Before any energy or comfort improvements are made on your home, we must first ensure your home is healthy and safe. Our home specialists are trained to not only look for energy improvements, but health and safety concerns as well. It is important to address these issues first as other improvements made on the home could exacerbate the problem.

A Healthy Home

Considering the safety of your home is something you have probably already thought about probably before even purchasing the home, but what do we mean by a healthy home? A healthy home has good indoor air quality, durable materials, is free of contaminants, hazardous materials, and pests, and is clean. When we perform an energy assessment, we check all of these points of concern and will address any problems we find. We can also identify if your home has lead paint or asbestos present and can safely remove these carcinogenic materials.

A Safe Home

When we refer to a safe home, we are not necessarily referring to keeping intruders out and installing security cameras; we are more referring to combustion safety, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, fall risks, structural integrity concerns, and more of the like. If your home has any combustion appliances like a gas furnace or hot water heater, we perform tests to make sure the harmful gases that are created as by-product of combustion are being exhausted out of the home safely. We also check to make sure you have properly functioning smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and they are in good locations throughout the home. 

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We have proof from Duke Energy of something we already knew -- your energy upgrades to our home through the Better Buildings incentive program have been successful. Over the past 12 months, our home was rated among the most efficient homes in our area.  Energy Reduction Specialists of NC, inc.
Stewart and Barbara T., Greensboro